Thursday, February 18, 2010

Change on B's update:(

Well I had to go pick B up from daycare due to him running 103 temp. Poor toots I just really want to take his pain away.

Update on B-Bop!

So B is back at daycare today. He didn't have a great night last night, was restless and cranky, but did not need us to wake up and give him motrin or Tylenol. Wheww!!

So this afternoon I called the daycare and asked how B was doing. She stated that he has only eaten yogurt so far today and drank some milk. But, she did say that he has not wanted to keep his pants on today, so she has let him just run around in his shirt and diaper. Cracks me up:)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Poor Toot's is sick:(

Well, B is sick today. We were up most of the night to him crying and running a fever of about 100-103. Poor little Booger, I wish that I was the one sick and not him.

This past weekend just flew by. I did however get to see my sister and that was so much fun. Jay, I really enjoyed our time together.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today is a new day! REALLY? Daniel and I worked so hard last night to get our computer room cleaned out so that Meagan can move in with us on Saturday. Did we really have as much junk as we found? The answer to that question is "YES." We are so going to have a major garage sale and sell all the stuff that we have not used in the past year. We think we do that every garage sale, but in actuality we don't. Anyways.......I am so ready to get my house completely cleaned so that I don't have to worry about crap laying around and our house looking like one of those on like Oprah or Dr. Phil were they have a special team come in to fumigate your home cause it is so bad. I am really exaggerating here but our house is the last thing that Daniel and I think about after we get home from work and school.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am getting so much closer to Nursing school. Can it please hurry:) I am registered for my last semester of pre requisites at Wayland and I take the Nursing entrance exam on Friday February 12. Go ME!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Some new pics of B!

Here are some new pics of BBOP with his new car that Granny bought him and his new love OREO cookies. Enjoy!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb. 1, 2010

Ok so it is already February. CRAZY!!!! Winter weather is over and I am so ready for the hot weather to roll in. So I just registered for my last semester of Prerequisites, and take my TEAS (nursing entrance exam) on feb. 12th. So cross your fingers that I pass so that I can start nursing in August.